RoniB's Kitchen
Philippine Adobo Sauce | 190ml
Philippine Adobo Sauce | 190ml
Pour and Cook Sauce is a savory blend of sour, salty and sweet flavors. Use with all kinds of meats, fish, seafood or vegetables. Based on our family recipe, it is a delicate blend of cider vinegar, soy sauce, paprika, garlic, black pepper and bay leaves. This is our flagship product and the beginning of RoniB's Kitchen.
CONVENIENT - Simply add your choice of meat, fish, seafood or vegetables.
VEGAN AND VEGETARIAN - The ingredients are of plant origin.
AUTHENTIC FLAVORS - We use quality ingredients to recreate traditional flavors.
RECYCLABLE PACKAGING - By using glass bottles we contribute to protecting the environment.
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INGREDIENTS : Apple cider vinegar, soy sauce (water, soybeans, wheat, salt, alcohol), water, dark brown sugar, lemon juice, sugar, garlic powder, smoked paprika, black pepper, bay leaf.